Свежие новости игрового мира FIFA

FIFA 14 Patch v1.0 AIO by Pescups + Online + Graphics v2.0 торрент

FIFA 14 Patch v1.0 AIO by Pescups + Online + Graphics v2.0 торрент

Патч для FIFA 14 улучшающий графику в игре и совместимый с онлайн, режимом. Включает в себя Revolution Mod v1.3, обновляет логотипы лиг, команд, обновляет формы, добавляет много татуировок, тв попасы и тв попас РПЛ, добавляет новые мячи, бутсы, флаги, баннеры, новые перчатки, реальные судьи и тренеры, минифейсы, рекламные щиты, сетки ворот и многое другое.

Состав патча FIFA 14 Patch v1.0:

- Internal Revolution Mod v1.3
- The patch works in all online modes
- Changed the graphics at the entrance to the game
- Changed the graphics in the game
- Added many tattoo players
- Integrated graphics ultra exclusive modes
- Real logos for all leagues in the game
- Real logos for all events in the game
- Real logos for all teams in the game
- Added a number of new goals
- All balls are assigned to leagues
- Added TV popas all leagues and popas RPL
- Added banners for all teams main top leagues including RPL
- Added flags for all teams main top leagues including RPL
- Real coaches on the edge
- on the edge of real replacement
- huge number of new boots
- huge number of new gloves for goalkeepers
- Real cups competitions
- Added high lawns
- Database is not touched, you can continue a career started


- Updated and added to kits teams of the Russian league
- Updated and added to kits teams of the English league
- Updated and added to kits teams for the second English league
- Updated and added to kits teams for the English third league
- Updated and added to kits teams for the Spanish League
- Updated and added to kits teams of the Second Spanish league
- Updated and added to kits teams for the Italian league
- Updated and added to kits teams for the second Italian league
- Updated and added to kits teams for the German league
- Updated and added to kits teams for the Second German League
- Updated and added to kits French league for teams
- Updated and added to kits teams of the Austrian League
- Updated and added to kits teams of the Swiss league
- Updated and added to kits teams to rest leagues
- Updated and added to kits Referee
- All kits have the original stripe leagues and competitions
- All kits have original fonts and numbers

Минифесы для игроков:

Added mini facial for players of the Russian league
- Added mini facial for players English league
- Added mini facial for players second English league
- Added mini facial for players Thirds English league
- Added mini facial for players of the Spanish League
- Added mini facial for players of the Second Spanish League
- Added mini facial for the Italian league players
- Added mini facial for second Italian league players
- Added mini facial for German League players
- Added mini facial for Second German League players
- Added mini facial for French league players
- Added mini facial for players of Austria League
- Added mini facial for the Swiss league players
- Added many more small individual players for other leagues in total 13000

Рекламные щиты:

- Adboards on stadiums for the Russian league
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams of the English league
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams of the Spanish league
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams of the Italian league
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams second Italian league
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams of the German league
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams of the French league
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams of the Dutch league
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams of the Australian League
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams of the Austrian League
- Adboards on the stadiums for all the teams of the Scottish League
- Adboards on the stadiums for all teams rest leagues
- Adboards for all stadiums levels

Сетки ворот:

- Goal nets for teams English league
- Goak nets for Spanish League teams
- Goal nets for the Italian league teams
- Goal nets for German League teams
- Goal nets for French league teams
- Goal nets for the Dutch league teams
- Goal nets for the teams of the Swiss league

Установка: FIFA 14 Patch v1.0 AIO by Pescups + Online + Graphics v2.0 качаем ссайта торрент файл, распаковываем архив, запускаем торент файл через программу bittorrent или utorrent, скачиваем полную версию патча, далее запускаем инсталятор, выбираем папку с игрой.

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